Feb 12 1980 - Dec 26 2024 With the heaviest heart, I'm deeply saddened to share that we have lost a most cherished friend, colleague and partner - an insightful, empathetic and compassionate member of our community. Jeremy was a well loved father, son, partner and friend. Your love and prayers for his family and loved ones is deeply appreciated at this time.
He was a mentor and coach, my Personal Scrum Master, a virtual travel companion that helped bring structure to my life during my cycling adventure. And now we didn't have much contact in the past year - and it breaks my heart to find out that we won't in the future as well.
R.I.P. Jeremy. You made a difference to so many people - amongst them me.
I was one of Jeremie's Friend and collegues when he was working at Symphony, such a awesome guy! I still remember our chess games and fun hikes.
I'm absolutely shocked.
What happened?
He was a mentor and coach, my Personal Scrum Master, a virtual travel companion that helped bring structure to my life during my cycling adventure. And now we didn't have much contact in the past year - and it breaks my heart to find out that we won't in the future as well.
R.I.P. Jeremy. You made a difference to so many people - amongst them me.